
Pranetor designs websites to be both ACCESSIBLE& USER-FRIENDLY

The web offers many opportunities to people with disabilities that are unavailable through any other medium. It offers independence and freedom. However, if a web site is not created with web accessibility in mind, it may exclude a segment of the population that stands to gain the most from the internet.

As web applications have grown rich and creative, they have become less accessible to the users with Vision impairments.Currently most Web sites and Web software have accessibility barriers that make it difficult or impossible for many people with disabilities to use the Web.

Pranetor Web Accessibility Initiative team is designed to help organizations improve their websites, making them easier to use for everyone.In this technically advanced world, Pranetor has identified the importance of Accessibility and developed a capability to address the needs of customers. Most of the time, these adaptations benefit nearly everyone, not just people with disabilities. Almost everyone benefits from helpful illustrations, properly-organized content, and clear navigation.

Why Web Accessibility is Important?

The Web is an increasingly important resource in many aspects of life: education, employment, government, commerce, health care, recreation, and more. It is essential that the Web be accessible in order to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with disabilities.

The Web offers the possibility of unprecedented access to information and interaction for many people with disabilities. That is, the accessibility barriers to print, audio, and visual media can be much more easily overcome through Web technologies.

AccesAccessibility Engagements

NEW WEBSITE with Accessibility standards&RETROFIT and existing site to be more accessible.

Web Usability & Accessibility

Pranetor has skillful competency and strongexperience around UI web technologies. With growing needs around accessibility, we have aligned our UI resources upgrade paths with accessibility as one of the primary subject to get enough exposure around its use and implementation perspective.


  • Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3
  • Scripting Languages: JavaScript and jQuery
  • WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications)
  • Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)


  • Assistive Technologies: Screen readers (JAWS, NVDA and Narrator)
  • Evaluation Tools: Web Accessibility Toolbar, Color Contrast Analyser, Wave Plugin, aXe Plugin
  • Manual assessment using keyboard navigation

Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools

Web accessibility evaluation tools help determine if a Web site is accessible. Web accessibility evaluation tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required to carry out evaluations. The following are ways in which tools can assist users in evaluating Web sites for accessibility; some tools can perform both:

  Determine the conformance of Web sites to accessibility checks which can be executed automatically;

  Effectively assist reviewers in performing accessibility checks which need to be evaluated manually.

Web accessibility evaluation tools can be used for different purposes depending on the expertise of the users and what checkpoints they want to evaluate
  Generating reports
  Step-by-step evaluations
  In-page feedback
  Page transformations

Our testing and evaluations include the use of screen readers such as JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver, screen magnifiers, ZoomText and MAGic, and a variety of color contrast analyzers. We feel this provides the best and most accurate accessibility evaluation and remediation possible. Our team understands that the next generation of tools requires a deeper commitment on the part of tool developers to the underlying structure of web content, the semantic meaning behind it, and the purpose for which it exists: to communicate information to users. It is very important to keep in mind that to date, no web site evaluation tool has been developed that can avoid a human judgement.Also, in some cases evaluation tools are prone to producing false or misleading results such as not identifying or signal incorrect code. The results from evaluation tools should not be used to determine conformance levels unless they are operated by experienced evaluators who understand the capabilities and limitations of the tools in order to achieve accurate results. Web accessibility evaluation tools cannot determine the accessibility of Web sites; they can only assist in doing so.

Standards and Guidelines

We test against Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and WCAG 2.0 Standards and Guidelines to ensure compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our expertise with W3C/WAI enables us to examine websites of high complexity that make use of newer hybrid web technologies. Our Web Evaluation Experts have a thorough knowledge of these standards and can show you how to apply them to your website. Whether your website is an online store or is content-rich, our services will help you attract and more importantly retain visitors.

Where does your site stands in regard to accessibility?

Pranetor team can provide a complete assessment to help you not only know what accessibility issues exist, but also how to fix them. Our web accessibility evaluation tools will help you determine if web content meets accessibility guidelines. If you have a dynamic, constantly changing site, our evaluation service can alert you to accessibility issues that may arise.

Our expert team can help you reach your accessibility goals and can help you throughout the accessibility process.



  • Pranetor LLC
  • 150 South Elizabeth Street,
  • Rochester MI 48307,
  • (800) 324-4695.

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