
Ts Boxoffice

The government of Telangana come up with an project that predicts the computerization of all cinema halls overall the state. This portal is made available to all cinema halls in the state of Telangana and Online Ticketing Website are also given api access to all the cinema hall ticketing data, using which they can cater to the needs of the film industry. For the effective and for best features, they reached to the "Pranetor Software Solution".


Problem Statement

As per the clients approach, the site should include N-Number of services like Birthdays,Weddings, School Of Photography and E-Shop and along with “Choose A Package” functionality.We stated that “Choose A Package” functionality is not an friendly user to the customers as it is predefined with quantity of photographer as per day along with an fare and May thisFunctionality doesn’t approach to the expectations of the customers.


In order to reach the customers expectations, we come across with the design of “Create OwnPackage” functionality through site to book for the photo shoot as per their wish instead ofchoosing from predefined values. And also we come up with the design of menus and sub-menus to show the N-number of services having different functionalities and also to minimize.the complexity in design to make the site user friendly to customers.

Work In Flow

As per the requirements ,first we startup with the wire frame and went to visual design by using The tool Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator, after getting with the design our developer start coding Using the platform Dreamweaver CS6 and later the front-end development underwent toBackend functionality, we use PHP and Java Family to done Backend part. The combined effortof each individual results to best output.

Requirement Gathering


Firstly, we started with the Requirement phase, where all requirements are gathered from an “Client” and some critical elicitation methods are drawn from our side. We can even find the flow of the product (flow-chart) to visualize it much better.


If the wireframe or the layout your looking for is available it would be great. So, we had designed the wireframe, which plays the crucial part in designing phase, where visualized blueprint of the product can be shown to client. Once the wireframe had approved from client side, we have moved to the further steps. Have to follow several iterations to maintain Standard minimal UI/UX before the design phase.

Process Design


In regards to the approved wireframe, the design process had been started. After many iterations, the best design had been sent to client view for further Amendments in design. We keep iterating the design until we reach our client expectation.


After getting done with Design, we have moved to Front-End Development part, where we can see the output in the Browser and further underwent to Back-End part.


Our Design
